Google, the renowned technology giant, is set to discontinue a beloved Gmail feature in California. Starting from January 2024, users of Gmail’s HTML Basic View feature will no longer have access to this option, leaving them with only the Standard View.
The HTML Basic View, originally introduced by Gmail in 2007, has been favored by users dealing with slow Wi-Fi connections. This mode excludes features such as the chat box, spell check, and contact importing found in the Standard View.
However, Pratik Patel, an expert in assistive technology for the visually impaired, expresses concern that retiring this feature will be a significant setback for blind and partially sighted individuals. He points out that many blind users have grown accustomed to the HTML Basic View, and its removal will not only cause confusion but also dissatisfaction among this user group.
HTML Basic View significantly enhances the usability of Gmail for blind individuals. While the standard interface is accessible to the visually impaired, some users prefer the basic HTML version due to their familiarity with it.
Pratik Patel emphasizes that the standard interfaces are available, but some individuals may be reluctant to transition to this mode.