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Apple issues a warning for iPhone users to promptly update their operating system.

In California, the technology giant Apple has rolled out its most recent update aimed at addressing a bug that was present in the iOS version released six weeks ago. This new update, known as iOS 16.6.1, was released on Thursday and is specifically designed to patch a security vulnerability.

Apple had received a warning from the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab regarding this bug, highlighting the potential for it to compromise the security of iPhones even without any user interaction. In response to this concern, Apple has acknowledged the existence of the security flaw in iOS 16.6.1 through a web post, although specific details about the bug have not been disclosed.

With the impending launch of the new mobile operating system, iOS 17, alongside the iPhone 15 set for next week, it became apparent that this bug was too critical to be left unaddressed until iOS 17’s expected release later this month. Consequently, Apple had to expedite the release of iOS 16.6.1.

To apply this crucial update, users are required to navigate to their iPhone settings and access the ‘General’ section to initiate the software update. Apple has also noted that this update is applicable to iPadOS as well.

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