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‘Superpolio vaccine’ ready to eradicate polio

Scientists have developed a new polio vaccine which is named as superengineered polio vaccine. A live but very weak and harmless polio virus is added to it. 

The vaccine developed by the joint efforts of American and British experts can be very effective for all three types of polio. 

Thus, after a long time, a better and more effective polio vaccine has come out. Although this disease, which paralyzes the nervous system and cripples children, has been eradicated by 99%, some countries are still not free from the clutches of polio. 

Pakistan is also included in these countries. If there was no vaccine, there would have been millions more disabled people in the world by now. 

The original or wild poliovirus still exists in parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. According to scientists, in this case the vaccine is genetically unstable and if the virus changes slightly, the best vaccine becomes useless. 

Then the waste of the infected child plays an important role in spreading this polio. This is why experts have further weakened and modified the weakened polio virus in the vaccine so that it does not undergo any changes and cannot cause disease. 

The help of genetic engineering has also been taken for this. Thus a reliable vaccine has been developed which is also stable in all respects. Details of the superpolio vaccine have been published in the weekly scientific journal Nature.

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