In the presidential elections held in Turkey on May 14, Sinan Oan, the third-placed candidate, announced his support for Turkish President Recep Tayyab Erdogan.
On May 28, there will be a rematch between President Erdoğan and rival Kemal Kılıçdar Olu for the presidency of Turkey.
According to the news agency, Sinan Awan announced his support for President Erdogan in the May 28 presidential contest in a media talk.
In the May 14 presidential election, President Erdoğan and his rival Kamal Klichdar Olu could not get more than 50 percent of the votes.
President Erdoğan had 49.24 percent of the votes and opposition candidate Kamal Klich Dar Olu 45.07 percent while Sanan Awan, who came third, got 5.28 percent of the votes.
Now, if he wins on May 28, President Erdogan will become the third and constitutionally last president of Turkey for another 5 years.