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Two senior officials in the ‘Trust and Safety’ sector have quit Twitter

There was a news from Twitter headquarters that in response to Elon Musk’s decision, two of the most important executives who were involved in trust and safety issues have left the company. 

Both men were also passionate supporters of Elon Musk’s freedom of expression and reform. But Elon Musk rejected the decision of the two officers and their team. 

The team was banned from tweeting and giving importance to a documentary that was apparently about sex change or gender transition. 

The film is part of a recent campaign for visual gender identity that is currently underway in the US and Europe. Twitter previously said, “What is that woman?” (What is a Woman) will not only premiere the documentary exclusively but also promote it for a fee. 

But the Trust and Safety Department, after its review, recommended that the deal be rejected because it contained hateful content. 

Although Elon Musk first sex were fierce critics of the change, especially those who resented the surgical sex reassignment of teenage boys and girls. 

But now he changed his mind, overruled his team’s decision and tweeted the details of the documentary along with a tweet to his 14 crore subscribers. 

In response, two senior executives, AJ Brann and Ella Irwin, have left the company.

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